Explore MelbourneHistorySights

Cooks’ Cottage

Melbourne » Explore Melbourne » Sights » Cooks’ Cottage
Article published on 9th August 2023

Located in the Fitzroy Gardens, the Cooks’ Cottage is a must see.

It is an actual historic house that belonged to Captain James Cook’s family! Yes, you read that right, it is not a remake based on a picture or a model, it is the real thing.

Initially constructed in 1755 in North Yorkshire England, the cottage was transported to Melbourne in 1934. It was purchased by Sir Russell Grimwade and given to the state of Victoria as a gift to celebrate the centenary (100 years since the foundation) of Melbourne.

While Captain Cook did not live in it himself (he was already voyaging the world by this time), he probably visited his parents there.

It is a really cool Melbourne attraction. Spend some time taking a look at the cottage to take you back to how people used to live in the 18th century. And learn about James Cook, one of the world’s famous explorers who voyaged all the way to Australia from England.


Opening Hours

Open daily, from 10am to 4pm.



As of August 2023 (subject to change and always check official website), the ticket price is:

Adults $7.20
Children $3.90
Concession $5.50
Family $19.70

Bookings are essential for larger groups and there are also options of guided tours.


Address of Cooks’ Cottage

Wellington Parade
East Melbourne 3002
Located in Fitzroy Gardens.



  1. Captain Cooks’ Cottage booking page, Whats On Melbourne


Important to note: Melbourne sights and attraction specifics can change at any time. While we make every effort to keep the information up to date and factual, no guarantees are made to the accuracy of the information provided. Prior to booking or planning any attendance, you are reminded to check the official sources for the latest and official information. Melbourne Buddy is in no way affiliated with Fitzroy Gardens or The Cooks’ Cottage.